Suicide can be a seductive anesthetic to put inexorable pain out for good—or it may spiral into a chaotic vortex of regret, deception, and agonizing despair.

I’LL NEVER COMMIT SUICIDE AGAIN is a magical realism novel exploring varied aspects of suicide through the viewpoint of Lucy, the main character, as she struggles to overcome her own forlorn dilemma. In a circuitous Dantean journey of self-discovery and redemption, her interactions with suicide children, guilt-ridden adults, political and religious martyrs, intrepid warriors, and physician-assisted suicide awaken her to diverse perspectives of the controversial issue of self-annihilation—and a life-changing realization of her own.

At a time when suicide rates have reached record-breaking numbers across the demographic spectrum, the approximately 98,000-word manuscript is a fictional exploration of the potentially fallacious delusion of suicide as a means to evade life’s challenges and travails. The story employs philosophical, esoteric, and quantum physics elements to guide the narrative.

Publication Date: January 20, 2024
ISBN 978-1-7323285-1-8
LCCN: 2023930021
Trade Paperback
Genre: Magic Realism
Size: 5.5 x 0.81 x 8.5 inches
Page Count: 321 pages
Cover Price: $25.00


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